Here on September 11th 2006, like many Americans, I can't help but think about where I was and what was going on five years ago today. There's so much about that time that stands out with me and will forever be a part of my memories.
-The second plane flying past the window live on Good Morning America...
-The replays of the second plane smashing into the corner of WTC Building 2...
-The first building falling...
-The second building falling...
-People jumping from windows...
-The Pentagon burning out of control...
-Lower Manhattan in a cloud of smoke and dust...
-The thousands of New Yorkers covered in dust and dirt...
I also remember the images of Donald Rumsfeld at the Pentagon helping to load injured people onto helicopters. I thought it was very decent of the Secretary or Defense to not drive off in his black Suburban, but to instead stand with his people and to help the injured. His political affiliation meant nothing at that time.
I also remember in the days immediately following 9/11, President George Bush was at Ground Zero giving a speech to the recovery workers. Someone far away from him yelled something that he couldn't hear, but he responded impressively by yelling back something like, "I can't exactly hear you, but one thing I can say is that the people that brought down these towers are going to hear from all of us!" My feelings for the president aside, especially after the whole "My Pet Goat" incident, he looked and sounded presidential this day. He looked and sounded like a man that was ready to kick some terrorist ass. And, honestly - I wanted to see some asses kicked after 9/11.
Then the months began to wear on before we finally made it to the Taliban. (Yawn)
Then we somehow ended up in Iraq fighting Saddam, and I was like, "What's going on here?"
Then, shortly after Baghdad fell, when asked about the so far unsuccessful hunt for the 9/11 mastermind, Osama bin Laden, President George W. Bush said in a press conference, "Well, I don't spend a lot of my time thinking about him anymore..." The writing on the wall became crystal clear for me at that moment, and now on 9/11/2006 my feelings haven't changed one bit.
Osama bin Laden will never be captured while Republicans have the White House.
Republicans need fear.
If Osama bin Laden is captured, we Americans don't really get any safer. There are plenty of radicals out in the world that will continue to pose a threat to America. However, there are many people that may disagree with this position. Many Americans would breathe a sigh of relief if Osama was captured or killed. They'd relax, they'd calm down, they'd feel like al qaeda has been shut down, they'll stop being afraid. And the Republicans would NOT be happy.
The Republicans use fear and terrorism as catalysts to get undecided voters to vote Republican! Republicans are MASTERS at voter manipulation. When they need some votes, they roll out Gay Marriage, or Oil Prices or Terrorism! And, who is the poster boy from terrorism? Osama bin Laden. Republicans use him, his image and American hatred towards him as a rally point and focus point when they want to sell the terrorism angle or take peoples mind’s off of the latest Republican screw-up or scandal. There is no way the Bush Administration is going to throw away their ace in the hole while he is so valuable for scaring voters and Americans in general.
So we will continue to be lied to. Bush’s Administration will continue to swear that they are doing all they can do to capture bin Laden. They will continue to put his face in front of us to take our minds off of high gas prices, corporate corruption, redistricting, underhanded lobbying, the eroding environment and our dying troops. They need him loose and on the run.
I say let's wait until late August 2008, right during the run for the White House before Osama bin Laden turns up on a slab in US custody. What a better way for Bush to go out of the White House, than to take Osama out of play for the Democrats?
Hey Tickled -
Long time no see...
Speaking of WMD's - have you noticed that Bush has started using the same language about Iran that he used in 2002/03 about Iraq?
There are evil and brutal dictators all over Africa and the US does little to nothing. I almost wish Africa was sitting on top of a couple of billion barrels of light sweet crude - maybe folks wouldn't be dying this very minute in Darfur!
I used to like Tony Blair - but like most world leaders, he dances for George W, like a puppet on a string.
I remember 9/11 very very clearly. I remember Rumsfelds comment which surly must have been a lie when he said the impact of the plane knocked him out of his seat. I thought that to be very strange considering I was no more than 100 or so feet away from the impact area in the same wing, corridor/ hallway of the building that was hit and I can't say that I even felt a thud. Yes I heard a whooshing sound as the flames engulfed the windows for a split second. But hardley a jolt at all, so it really make s me wonder how Rumsfeld whose office was on the otherside of the building was knocked out of his seat. It must be his nature to lie and exagerate.
Thanks ANONYMOUS for your comment-
I'm certainly glad you made it out of the Pentagon that particular Tuesday! I'm really appreciative of someone who is such a part of history to share your thoughts from that day. I'm willing to bet that you don't think of yourself that way, but all of you survivors from the Pentagon that day have a special place in our history.
As for Rumsfeld - I remember the knocked from his seat comment and I remember thinking, "Damn, that must have been horrible!" But reading your comment, an impact that could knock a grown man out of his seat on the opposite side of the building would have probably blown out every window in the building!
You know - Rummy, Bush, Cheney, Rice... they have no shame! No shame at all. He didn't have to exaggerate about something like that! We all saw him helping the wounded, couldn't that have been enough? Crooks- ALL OF 'EM!!!
You are right even though I was at the Pentagon near impact, I never give it a second thought nor having a special place in history. I guess I could write a book that would equal about 50 pages of my experiences from the time the plane or whatever hit the building and by the time I reached home later that day. The biggest story would be dealing with the traffic trying to get home that day.
I was at the Washington Navy Yard when all this went down.
Maybe L'll tell my story next year.
Great article! Thanks.
Thanks for interesting article.
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